الأحد، 24 يونيو 2018

Steepened Reinforced Soil Slopes

General Information

Retaining Solutions is able to provide a range of
options to the designer, developer or contractor to effectively increase useable land area and minimise fill requirements by steepening design batter slopes, retaining general fill cost effectively and provide innovative retaining wall systems that are either temporary or permanent structures.
The use of proprietary geosynthetics (varying polymer and construction type) incorporated as layers into soil has the effect of increasing the shear resistance of the soil and allows structures to be built using such “soil reinforced” techniques in a very cost effective manner using well accepted design methodologies. Sometimes and by using similar design methodologies the soil reinforcement element may be a steel strip. These techniques will generally allow the use of “on-site” soils without the costs associated with importing specific engineered fill materials.

It is accepted to describe structures that have face angles somewhere between the angle of internal friction of the soil being retained (angle of repose) and up to 45º from the horizontal as steepened slopes, those structure that have face angles greater than 45º and up to 70º from the horizontal as reinforced slopes and those structures with face angles greater than 70º and up to 90 from the horizontal as soil reinforced walls.
The treatment at the face of the structure will largely be dependent on the design face angle of such structures. For applications of reinforced slopes and walls the facing option must be selected dependent upon the design life of the structure and the environment within which the structure will operate. Various facing options may be considered and may include a wrapped face geogrid or geotextile treatment, a wire mesh face (either vegetated or rock in-filled) or indeed a variety of readily available materials that should be selected on the basis of site specific requirements, required durability and availability. In all such applications there will need to be a connection between the structure face and soil reinforcement element such that a stable element is formed to resist local face instability and assist with compaction. Generally steepened slopes do not require facing treatments with the soil reinforcement element generally terminated at the surface of the structure. Sometimes in steepened slope applications there may need to be placed an erosion blanket on the surface to resist scour of the slope and assist in the
vegetation of the slope.

السبت، 16 يونيو 2018

Free Download Bridge Design And Analysis Spreadsheets Essential For Bridge Engineering

There are many types of construction available in the construction industry; bridge construction is one of them. It is also a part of structural engineering. Bridge mainly builds on the basis of prior imaginary structure.
There are also different kinds of bridges having different kind of structure. Structural engineers or bridge engineers often face difficulties to design structural elements. It is not always possible to design structures with the help of basic bridge structure software. Here the bridge design and analysis spreadsheet comes in handy for the engineers who are associated with bridge engineering.
To achieve quick summary of divergent sections and parts of diversified bridges, the bridge design excel sheet is made. This spreadsheet is particularly aimed for creating the design of different sectors and elements of bridge in accordance with the necessity of engineers.
Here is an important and beneficial list of excel sheets for engineers and construction specialists.
This bridge design excel sheet contains 11 individual excel sheets which are supported with the most recent codes like ACI, AASHTO LRFD, and so on.
The detailed specifications of these spreadsheets are as follows:
  • Bridge Concrete Girder: Prestressed Concrete Girder Design for Bridge Structure supported with AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Bridge Concrete Column: Bridge Column Design supported with AASHTO 17th & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Bridge Box Section: Bridge Design for Prestressed Concrete Box Section supported with AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Concrete Tunnel: Concrete Tunnel Design supported with AASHTO-17th & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Double Tee: Prestressed Double Tee Design supported with AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Concrete Box Culvert: Concrete Box Culvert Design supported with AASHTO 17th Edition & ACI 318-11.Download
  • Steel Road Plate Steel Road Plate Design supported with AASHTO 17th Edition & AISC 360-10 through Finite Element Method.Download
  • Flange Tapered Girder: Flange Tapered Plate Girder Design supported with AISC Manual 14th Edition (AISC 360-10).Download
    • Prestressed Concrete Pole/Pile: Prestressed Concrete Circular Hollow Pole/Pile Design supported with ACI 318-11 & AASHTO 17th.Download
    • Falsework: Falsework Design for Steel Girder Bridge supported with NDS 2012 & AASHTO 17th.Download
    • Polygon Capacity: Polygon Section Member (Tubular Steel Pole) Design supported with ASCE 48-11.Download

الخميس، 3 مايو 2018

What is a Waffle Slab?
Waffle slabs are a reinforced concrete footing and slab system constructed on ground. They consist of a perimeter footing (edge beam) and a series of narrow internal beams (strip footings) at one metre nominal centres running each way. The whole footing and slab system is constructed on top of the ground.
Edge formwork makes the sides of the slab and polystyrene ‘pods’ create the formed voids between the strip footings. When viewed from underneath, the system of internal strip footings looks like a waffle – hence the name.
Upon completion of the waffle slab house, the ground around the slab is built up by the builder to reduce the height of the slab above the surrounding ground.
Waffle slabs achieve their strength by varying their height above ground. The higher the slab above ground – the deeper the beams. The deeper the beams – the more stiffness the system has.
-Relatively light, therefore less foundation costs and longer spans are economic
-Speed of construction
-Fairly slim floor depths
-Excellent vibration control
-Thermal mass
-Good for services integration
-Durable finishes
-Fire resistance
A Place for Waffle Slabs
There is definitely a place for waffle slabs in the construction world. Waffle slabs work really well on sites that are almost flat, natural soils or controlled fill, that have good surface strength and where the natural ground surface falls away from the outsides of the building in all directions. They work well on non-reactive sites, slightly reactive clay sites and some moderately reactive clay sites.
Waffle slabs are not recommended on highly reactive clay sites (Class H1 and H2) because the requirements for good drainage are almost impossible to achieve.
Are Waffle Slabs a Great Idea?
A definite maybe. These are the sites where waffle slabs won’t work so well:
-Soft ground conditions. Extra bored piers or screw piers are required so that the system is supported on strong ground.
-Sloping sites. Waffle slabs are built on flat sites. On sloping blocks, the ground has to be made level first by digging some of it out or filling some of it in. Problems arise when some of the dirt dug out is used as uncontrolled fill on the low side of the block. All houses, even waffle slabs, need firm, even support to all parts of the slab.
-Highly reactive and extremely reactive clay sites. These sites need stiff footing systems to span over the swelling and shrinking soils. Concrete beams get stronger and stiffer when the depth of the concrete beams increases but waffle pod void formers tend to max out at 375mm deep (so providing 475mm deep beams and ribs with a 100mm slab). Some designers try to achieve extra slab stiffness by adding more steel reinforcement. This works but the design process becomes more complicated.

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